Who is Doing the Yoga?

A teacher I once trained with said: “Stop doing the Yoga, because you cannot do Yoga. Instead, allow the Yoga to move through you, and allow the Yoga to heal you.”

One of the primary concepts in Yoga philosophy is that we are not the physical body, nor are we the mind, the personality, or the subtle layers of our being. If that is so, then who is the doer of action? Who is the thinker of thoughts? Who is the breather of breath? Who is the seer, the hearer, and the experiencer of our perceived reality? Who, indeed, are “we”?

Kena Upanishad, an ancient Hindu and yogic scripture, describes Pure Infinite Consciousness (Brahman) to be beyond all knowledge: “that which cannot be comprehended by the mind, but by which the mind comprehends;” “that which is not drawn by the breath, but by which the breath is drawn;” and that by which the tongue speaks, by which the eye sees, and by which the ear hears.

According to Yoga, we are a part of that Pure Infinite Consciousness. Deep within our being lies a spark of Divinity, the Higher Self (Atman). This divine essence is the true witness! It is also one with the Infinite Consciousness (Brahman), which is omnipresent and omnipotent.

The state of yoga refers to an awareness in which we are absorbed into our Higher Self and our divine essence is revealed. This highest awareness is beyond all action and activity of the mind. In this state we are not the doer of our actions, nor are we the thinker of thoughts or the knower of knowledge.

The practice of yoga (or any other spiritual practice) can then be seen as a process for allowing this higher awareness to move through our being and to express itself through us in the form of yogic or spiritual techniques.

In this way, we become an instrument of the Divine/Pure Infinite Consciousness while maintaining the awareness that we are not the doer. It is this awareness that allows the Yoga to move through us, regardless of the particular style or technique we are practicing. As this awareness deepens, the Divine will be able to express itself through us more clearly (for it is already expressing itself through us as us) not only in our practice, but also in our daily lives. This will lead to greater wisdom, balance, and harmony in every aspect of our living and in our contribution to the world.

Spiritual Intention:

Try cultivating the following internal awareness/intention before and during your practice (postures, seated, or any other spiritual practice):

  • May this practice be an expression of the Divine Love in motion
  • May every movement and every breath be an expression of the Divine
  • I step out of the way and allow the Divine to express itself through me on every level of my being in the form of practice/spiritual effort
  • May my being become an instrument of higher awareness, greater love, and wisdom through this practice

*You can also substitute the word “Divine” with a different word that is meaningful to you (i.e. God, Spirit, Infinite Consciousness, etc.)

Comments 10

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  1. Love this reminder that yoga moves (within) you! Would love to be apart of newsletters, articles and other amazing pieces from Olga. I’ve taken a handful of her classes and loved each one!

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      Thank you, Amanda, for the nice words. I’m glad to hear that you have enjoyed the article and some of the classes 🙂 If you haven’t already, you can sign up for the newsletter on the homepage of the website.

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